

We have these clocks currently available at our store;

NewĀ Pink Satin is a creamy retro pink sure to be one of our most popular Limited Editions this year. Customers can indulge in this color reminiscent of luxurious pink satin. Ideal to pair with retro pink kitchen appliances and decor.

New Limited Edition Space Cherry is a classic retro red reminiscent of vintage red found in so many appliances in the 50s and 60s. Theyā€™re sure to add some warmth to any room with their smile.

NewĀ Limited Edition Ocean Waves Kit-Cat Klocks are sure to spark a smile! Ocean Waves is a retro cool green that follows the vibrant Pantone Spring and Summer 2021 color trends. This cool green with blue undertones is a perfect accent on many different colored walls.




Kit-Cat Clock Co.

Makers of the Kit-Cat clock with his iconic rolling eyes & wagging tail has been keeping time since 1932. All Kit-Cat clocks are true to the original design & still Made in the USA.