Ken visited the Old State Capitol here in Vandalia for an event which ended touring the capitol building. He noticed each room had a period clock and asked the curator about them and if they worked. She said probably not and they have been there for years just as decoration. A week or two went by after he talked to her, with him thinking about what an honor it would be to get one in running condition. His thoughts became reality when he went back to the capitol with a proposal to repair a clock of their choice to running condition at no charge. The proposal was sent to the Illinois Historic Preservation Department for their approval, and after a few phone calls from them it was approved and a clock was chosen.
The following are notes taken for the project;
Old State Capitol Clock Project: 1830’s Seth Thomas Pillar and Scroll Mantel Clock
Upon examining the case it is obvious the dial is not original because of the newness of the plywood back it is glued to. The back of the case is not original because it is also made from newer plywood. Original backs are pieces of thin wood boards glued together. The bottom glass on the door has also been replaced because this type of clock, pillar and scroll, either had a mirror or a reversed glass painting. Winding key is not original, should be a crank key.
Removed movement from case. Appears to be a Seth Thomas 30 hr. wooden movement with hour strike on a bell. made around 1830, a good example of clocks during the State Capitol era. Tested the hour strike and worked fine. Tested the time side and found the gears were binding. Upon further inspection, saw a tooth from the 3rd time wheel binding with the escape wheel pinion.

The movement was then disassembled to see why that particular tooth would bind.
The tooth on the wheel appeared to have swollen a bit thru the years and would bind when it came in contact with the escape wheel pinion. By filing off the tooth a little at a time and then checking if it would bind, the binding was corrected after the 5th try.
There is very little cleaning done to a wooden movement. Taking a brush and removing dust and dirt usually is all that is needed. This movement in general was very clean and in excellent condition, so the only cleaning needed was brushing off dust on each part and cleaning pivot holes on movement plates.
The winding strings holding the weights needed replacement so were replaced with new.
Reassembled clock movement, adjusted strike and oiled escape wheel and verge.
The pendulum suspension spring was bent so replaced with new.
Put the clock movement back into case, adjusted beat to a smooth tick-tock on level surface.

The case had loose veneer and one piece off, so loose pieces were glued back on.
Tested and checked time accuracy for a week before returning.